Intervalles is the cultural review showcasing the Bernese Jura and the French-speaking Biel.
Since 1981, Intervalles has offered an in-depth view into the culture of the Bernese Jura and French-speaking Biel. Although it focuses on literature, it also explores photography and other artistic expressions. Intervalles reveals the many facets of the region: architectural heritage, local flavours, industrial history, environmental conservation, and figures in anarchism. Certain editions honour prominent regional personalities, such as writers Blaise Cendrars and Robert Walser, poet Francis Giauque, and Nobel Peace Prize laureates Albert Gobat and Elie Ducommun.
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Links & PDFs
- Revue Intervalles Rue du Pierre-Pertuis 1 2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval +41 (0)32 492 70 33