Taubenloch Gorge offers an easy yet impressive walk through wild nature – a magical experience for the whole family.
Nestled between Biel and Frinvillier, Taubenloch Gorge winds through an impressive rocky landscape. The large, well-maintained path follows the rushing Schüss River, offering breathtaking views of the power of water. The gorge’s refreshing coolness makes it a popular destination, especially on warm days. This easily accessible hike is a perfect getaway from the city, especially for families and naturelovers.
Good to know
- No parking spaces available.
- How to get there: By bus from Biel railway station to the Taubenloch stop or by train to Frinvillier.
- Warning: the terrain of the gorge may be slippery in wet weather.
- Picnic area near the hydroelectric ESB powerstation.
- The route is not recommended with a pushchair.
Links & PDFs
Main contact
- Tourisme Bienne Seeland Rue Centrale 60 2501 Bienne +41 (0)32 329 84 84 info@biel-seeland.ch www.biel-seeland.ch